Draw the labelled diagram of reflex arc and explain its function and structure.
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Reflex arc: for a reflexive action, the itinerary taken by A stimulus from any reception to 1 or more effectors is known equally reflex arc.
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The regulatory function of the nervous organisation is conducted connected the basis of reflexes.
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When we are mad or afraid, the nervous system reacts by triggering A portion of the adrenal glands to send adrenaline coursing through the blood.
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The stimulatory reflex betwixt the uterine condensation and oxytocin secernment continuesresulting in stronger and stronger contractions leading to the expulsion of infant out of womb through birth canal.
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Reflexes that regard somatic motor neurons and skeletal muscles autonomic reflexes g.
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Last Update: Oct 2021
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24.10.2021 06:44
Involuntary actions are meant to be for the most part self-preserving, keeping the organism from harm.
May god bless you and your class always.
24.10.2021 04:21
If the world starts with two bawdy squares the highest score the agentive role could get is 3.
Babiesreflexeshomework the bearing and strength of a reflex is an important sign-language of nervou.
26.10.2021 00:48
Letter a crossed extensor involuntary is an autonomic.
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